Eventsador Privacy Policy

You are welcome to read through the entire Privacy Policy listed below however here is a summation in simpler terms so you can get on with your busy day! This is, by no means meant to replace the official legal stuff but will show you in brief what’s in here.

This is the gist of it:

  • Some of the information available on our websites and/or App may be taken from publicly available information such as other webpages or social media platforms
  • The information you provide such as your name, email address, etc. is used to provide you our services and authenticate your account with us
  • It’s your info and you have control over it. In the Eventsador app you can access and amend it through Profile settings after logging into your account
  • If you want to have your personal information removed from our service, simply send us an email
  • When joining an event through the Eventsador App, the basic info for all attendees is visible in the Attendee list however every user can change that and become ‘invisible’. Your contact details are not visible to anyone unless you share it with another user through Exchange Contact Info
  • In the Eventsador app you have an option for direct messaging, which are private communications between two users
  • Our sites and/or App may use Cookies to improve the service you receive however cookies don’t identify you personally, just the browser or device you use
  • If we do collect any data on your usage of our sites and/or App it is only to improve our service to you and we do not share it with any third-party unless legally required to do so
  • Eventsador may share your personal info with law enforcement in case of any legal proceedings
  • You must be at least 13 years old to use our services
  • We do our best to ensure that all security vulnerabilities have been taken care of however we cannot guarantee this
  • For EEA, Switzerland & UK users, read clause 11
  • Location information may be requested for navigation purposes but can easily be disabled


Eventsador provides various services through the and the web sites and the Eventsador App (Mobile Application) subject to this Privacy Policy, the Eventsador Terms of Use and any of our other policies. Eventsador reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without providing any prior notification. You accept and agree to any changes, revisions and updates to these policies if you continue to access or use any of the services of Eventsador.

If for any reason you do not fully agree to this policy or any of our other policies, please refrain from using any services of Eventsador.

  1. Information You Share with Us

Eventsador may take publicly available information from publication databases, public social network profiles, company web pages, school/university web pages, news pages, patent databases and other public sources, which is otherwise called “Public Information”. This Public Information is available to the public directly from those sources; even without going through Eventsador. Therefore, Eventsador cannot guarantee nor verify the accuracy of this Public Information. It is the users’ responsibility to validate and revise their own profile information in the Eventsador app. For certain social network websites Eventsador will only get and show information if users provide corresponding login credentials.

  1. Personal Information Collection

Any information including but not limited to your name, telephone number, email address and profile picture provided to Eventsador for the purpose of creating an account to access services via Eventsador sites or Apps are considered “Personal Information”.

Eventsador services may collect information about your usage of our sites and App including but not limited to any IP address used to access Eventsador and your activities on Eventsador services. This is solely to help us improve our services and provide you a better experience when using our services.

Eventsador collects information that you provide to create an account for the usage of the Eventsador services, which may include information including but not limited to your name, email address, telephone number, location and social network sign- in. When you choose to share this information, we collect and use it to provide you our services and authenticate your account to prevent fraud and spam.

We do not provide your information to any third-party unless legally required to do so (subject to Section 8 below).

  1. Managing Your Personal Information

It is your information and you have control on it. You can access and amend this data at any time through the Profile settings in the Eventsador app.

If you so choose, you can even permanently delete your account. Of course, to help protect you and maintain security, you may be contacted by us to verify that the account deletion request is in fact from you and not an impostor, before proceeding with the deletion. On the Eventsador app, you may go to Settings and send us an account deletion request.

  1. Remove your Personal information from Eventsador Services

If you decide that you would like us to have your Personal Information removed from the Eventsador services, you may send us a request via email. In the interest of accuracy, we may contact you to verify the request to ensure that you are requesting for removal of your own information (rather than of others) before proceeding to remove your information from the Eventsador service.

As Eventsador may collect publicly available information from the Internet (Public Information), removing information from Eventsador does not remove it from its original data sources. For users of the Eventsador App, every user can validate and revise their own profile information within the app under the Profile tab. Within the Eventsador App there is also an option to permanently delete your account and most associated data with it within the Settings section.

  1. Profile Visibility in the Eventsador App

When a user joins an event, their Profile visibility allows the other attendees of that specific event to see them in the list of Attendees in order to facilitate easier event networking. The users’ Name, Title, Company, Country & Education will be the fields visible.

Contact information including Email address, Phone & Mobile numbers are not visible to any other user unless it is explicitly shared via Exchange Contact Info.

Every user registered as an Attendee of an event has the option to change their Profile Visibility so other attendees will not be able to see them by changing their visibility status within the Settings section.

If you Like, Comment or Reply to any post or photo within an event, it will be visible to all other attendees of that specific event only.

  1. Direct Messages & Non-Public Communications

Within the Eventsador app you have an option to communicate one-on-one with attendees via direct messages, which keeps your messages as non-public communication. Please remember though that the person you are communicating with has a copy of these messages and may choose to make them public.

  1. Cookies

For your convenience and ease of use as well as to provide specialised fonts, video playback, store your log in credentials or other such information, Eventsador may use Cookies on our websites and/or App.

In order to access some accounts with third-party websites such as third-party social networks and websites or certain functionalities, Eventsador may require you to enter personal information to access your accounts. Your third-party login credentials may be stored using Cookies for your convenience of continuously accessing the third-party information whenever you request it. We do not use this information for any other purpose. Cookies don’t identify you personally, just the browser or device you are using and enable accessing our services simpler and faster for you. If you’d like to learn more about Cookies, check out

  1. Personal Information Share and Use

Eventsador may use Personal Information you provide to Eventsador to create and maintain your account, to send periodic email or in-app communications relating to Eventsador services and to personalise your experience while using our services. Eventsador does not sell, exchange, transfer or give this type of Personal Information to any other company without your consent unless legally required to do so.

To improve our level of service, Eventsador may use Personal Information about your use of Eventsador services possibly including the use of external technologies provided by other companies such as Google Analytics (or the like) to assist Eventsador in understanding how you use Eventsador services. In the case of external technologies being used, information about how you use Eventsador services may be available to these other companies such as Google (or the like) to the extent that their technology collects such information for Eventsadors’ use. Eventsador does not distribute personally identifiable information, will actively endeavour to protect your usage anonymity and details about your use of Eventsador Services to any third parties other than as described above.

Eventsador reserves the right to disclose Personal Information to third parties if required to do so by law or if Eventsador has in good faith, a belief that disclosure is required to: (1) protect and defend our property and/or rights; (2) protect someone’s personal safety in an emergency; (3) comply with any legal processes served on us; (4) disclose any suspected illegal activity and/or (5) to help prevent spam, abuse or malicious acts against our services or users.

In the event of a sale or successor, Eventsador reserves the right to transfer Personal Information to any buyer/successor in the interest of the business.

  1. Under-Age Privacy

Eventsador is not intended for persons under the age of 13 and our services are not directed specifically to children. You may not use our services if you are under the age of 13 and must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country (in some countries we may allow a parent/guardian to do so on behalf of a minor). You must be at least 13 years old at the time of creating a profile for the use of Eventsador services.

Eventsador does not intentionally collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 13. If you become aware that Eventsador has collected Personal Information from someone under the age of 13 or has created a profile for usage of Eventsador services, please contact us and the information will be removed from our system as soon as is reasonably possible. This policy regarding collection of data from children meets the requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Eventsadors’ email search may return publicly available information about children below the age of 13 due to this being Public Information originating from third-party social networking sites and websites that permit children below 13 years to create public profiles. Eventsador does not knowingly collect or provide Public Information about people under the age of 13.

  1. Security

Despite all our best efforts, we cannot provide any guarantee that all security vulnerabilities have been removed from our released browser extensions and/or Apps.  Eventsador is not responsible for any security issues caused by your access of Eventsador services. If you have any further questions or feedback, please Contact Eventsador to let us know.

  1. EEA, Switzerland and UK Only

For any persons attending or organising an event in the EU, it is mandatory that you read the Privacy Policy specified in the following sections.  If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use any services provided by Eventsador.

  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

A data privacy law known as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (henceforth known as “GDPR”) was approved by the EU Parliament on 14th April 2016 and became effective 25th May 2018. The GDPR requires companies/organisations such as Eventsador to provide our users with more information about the processing of their Personal Data.

  • Legal Grounds for Processing your Personal Data

The GDPR requires us to tell you about the legal grounds we’re relying on to process any Personal Data about you. The legal grounds for us processing your Personal Data include:

  1. By signing up for our services, you have provided your consent;
  2. Your personal data is necessary for our contractual relationship;
  • The use of your personal data (as provided by you) is required for processing and is necessary for us to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations; and/or
  1. The personal information provided is required in our legitimate interest to fulfil our service as an event organiser, content provider and/or event ticketing platform
  • Eventsador as a Data Processor

EU data protection law makes a distinction between organisations that process Personal Data for their own purposes (henceforth known as “data controller”) and organisations that process Personal Data on behalf of other organisations (henceforth known as “data processor”). The relevant data controller is the one with primary responsibility for your Personal Data therefore if you have a question or complaint about how your Personal Data is handled; these should always be directed to the data controller for immediate action.

Eventsador may process attendees’ Personal Data on behalf of an Organiser as part of their services, in which case Eventsador is a Data Processor and the Organiser is the Data Controller. This will include situations where Eventsador obtains Personal Data as a result of the provision of its core event management services such as where Eventsador verifies the identity of attendees’ based on the attendee list that have been uploaded by the organiser to Eventsador, enables the broadcast of emails/messages to attendees at the request of the Organisers or provides event-related reports and tools to enable Organisers to gain insights about their attendees and the effectiveness of using the Eventsador sites and Apps.

Eventsador simply provides an event management tool for Organisers to improve engagement and Eventsador does not decide what mandatory Personal Data to request on registration forms nor is it responsible for the accuracy of any Personal Data provided.

We offer the functionality for an event organiser to email/message attendees directly through our App platform. This facility was built-in to send event-specific emails/messages to attendees of that event only. If an organiser wants to use this function, the organiser needs to secure his/her own opt-in consents for the sending of such emails/messages. Eventsador does not manage this on behalf of the organiser.

  • Eventsador as a Data Controller

Eventsador may act as a Data Controller in respect to processing of Personal Data, for instance where attendees provide Personal Data about themselves as part of their account creation/sign in process or where Personal Data is processed by Eventsador to conduct research and analytics beyond those relating to organisers’ events enabling Eventsador to improve its products and features (see section 8).

In some cases, it may be that Eventsador is the Organiser of the event as well, in which case Eventsador becomes the Data Controller as well.

  • Data Deletion

The GDPR data protection law provides you with rights in respect to your Personal Data that we maintain, including the right to request a copy of your Personal Data, request that we correct, restrict or delete your Personal Data and for you to unsubscribe from any/all marketing communications.

If you have subscribed to our blog-posts, you may easily unsubscribe via the Unsubscribe link that is part of every blog-post email.

Users of the Eventsador App can choose to exercise these rights by editing their profiles on the Eventsador app as well as deleting any emails/messages or photos posted by them.  If you need any assistance, please contact us. Also, organisers may get a request from an attendee asking for their Personal Data to be removed from the Eventsador App, in which case please forward the request to us via email. In the interest of ensuring accuracy, our support team may reach out to the User directly to confirm the request. Any requests to implement data protection rights will be handled by us on a case-by-case basis. There may be conditions where we are not legally obliged to comply with your request due to the laws in your jurisdiction or due to exemptions provided for in data protection legislation.

  • Transfer of Personal Data

There may be instances where we may require transferring your Personal Data outside from the country where it was originally provided. This may be to Eventsador or a third party such as Google Analytics, etc. with whom we work and who may be located in jurisdictions outside the EEA, Switzerland and the UK which either have no data protection laws or may have laws that are less stringent compared with those in Europe.

When such Personal Data is transferred outside of the EEA, Switzerland or the UK, we endeavour to take the required precautions to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your Personal Data. Such data transfers will be done in line with the standard data protection clauses adopted by the Commission (EU Standard Contractual Clauses (Processors)).

Despite our best efforts, if the relevant EU authorities or courts determine that the transfer method used by Eventsador is no longer appropriate, Eventsador and its customers will swiftly take all steps reasonably necessary to demonstrate adequate protection of the Personal Data by using alternative approved methods.

  • Data Incident Notifications

In the unlikely event of data accessed in an unauthorised manner, where Eventsador is the Data Controller, we will notify the affected user(s) directly. In case of a data breach where we are solely the Data Processor, we will notify the event organiser of the unauthorised data access so that they can get in contact with the relevant individual(s) to inform them of that individual’s Personal Data being compromised.

  1. Location Information

When using the Eventsador app, you may be asked to enable Location information. This is to assist (through the use of a third-party service/app) to enable navigation to locations, attractions and/or venues. You may disable this at any time by going to the App Permissions on your mobile device.

In case of any further questions or feedback, please Contact Eventsador.

Updated: 25th May 2022
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